Can Chinchillas Eat Goji Berries? Low Water Healthy Treats
Chinchillas are crepuscular rodents known for their soft and dense fur. They make good pets for older children and adults since they are clean and quiet. However, while they can eat various fruit types, can they eat Goji berries?
Chinchillas can eat goji berries because they are low in sugar and rich in essential vitamins. Also called wolfberry, goji berries are rich in vitamins A and C, which are required for growth and development. However, this fruit should be served as an occasional treat, at most two times a week, since sugar is in goji berries.
The article discusses more on Goji berries as part of the Chinchillas diet. Read on to learn more about the fruit’s nutritional values and other fruits the pet can enjoy.
Do Chinchillas Like Goji Berries?
Chinchillas love goji berries, which are among the treats they get excited about when offered. Like most treats, they enjoy holding the berry with their forelimbs while eating.
Owners who offer goji berries to their pet chinchillas claim their fingers every time. However, remember they are opportunistic feeders, so offer moderately.
Can Chinchillas Have Goji Berries?
Goji berries are fruit found in native shrubs of Asia belonging to either Lycium barbarum or Lycium Chinese species in the nightshade family. The fruits are mostly found in China but are also grown in many countries, including North America.

Chinchillas can eat Goji berries as part of their healthy treat. The fruit has a cranberry taste which is sweet but slightly sour.
Like most rodents, chinchillas can be selective feeders and avoid goji berries. You can hide the berries in their favorite everyday food when you observe them avoiding these fruits. Also, slice the berries into smaller pieces when serving them for better eating.
Nutritional Value of Fresh and Dried Goji Berries
Chinchillas can be served with both dried and fresh Goji berries. The following table contains the nutritional value of 100 grams of fresh and dried goji berries.
Nutrient | Dried | Fresh | ||
Percentage | grams | Percentage | grams | |
Water | 9.3% | 9.3 grams | 77.4% | 77.4 grams) |
Fats | 4.4% | 4.4 grams | 1.1% | 1.1 grams |
Proteins | 10.2% | 10.2 grams | 2.5% | 2.5 grams |
Carbohydrates | 61.3% | 61.3 grams | 15.3% | 15.3 grams |
Soluble Fiber | 2.6% | 2.6 grams | 0.7% | 0.7 grams |
Insoluble Fiber | 8.8% | 8.8 grams | 2.2% | 2.2 grams |
Are Goji Berries Safe for Chinchillas?
While various types of fruits are unsafe for Chinchillas, goji berries are safe and considered an exception. For one, the low sugar content reduces the risks of the pet causing various health problems, like obesity and tooth cavities.

Treats with too much sugar and fats are among the unsafe choices for the pet as they can cause health problems. The low-fat content in the fruit qualifies the fruit as safe for the Chinchillas.
However, goji berries are not ideal for chinchillas younger than six months. The younger pets might develop digestion problems in their developing digestion systems, causing diarrhea.
Are Goji Berries Spicy to Chinchillas?
Fresh and ripe goji berries taste a little bit sour and have a firm and juicy texture. Some can also taste very little spicy, but not too spicy to make them uncomfortable for consumption.

If you’re worried about them becoming too spicy for the pet, you can try the dried ones. Dried goji berries have less than 10% water and are less spicy than fresh. Also, serve the treats along with other favorable treats just in case your pet doesn’t like the fruit at first.
How Many Goji Berries Can My Chinchilla Eat?
As most treats are given to Chinchillas, Goji berries must be served moderately. It’s ideal for providing your pet with at most 2 goji berries weekly without messing with their diet.

You should introduce the pet by serving them 1/2 half the berry and watch how they react. Once they are used to the fruit, ensure you give each pet at most 2 goji berries. Also, watch closely as the pets feed, as one may eat more berries than others and end up eating more than required for the week. Goji berries are low in sugar some chinchilla owners give them one at a time not more than twice a month.
How Often Can Chinchillas Eat Goji Berries?
As most treats are given to Chinchillas, Goji berries must be served moderately. You should introduce the pet by serving them half the berry and watch how they react. Once they are used to the fruit, ensure you give each pet at most two goji berries.

Also, watch closely as the pets feed, as one may eat more berries than others and end up eating more than required for the week. It’s ideal for providing your chinchilla goji berries once a week or every 2 weeks without messing with their diet.
During the empty days in between, provide them with other healthy treats they enjoy eating, like raisins, sultanas, and carrots.
However, the aim is to provide them with numerous treats along with their healthy diets. Therefore, you can space the days in any way you find fit, ensuring not to overfeed them.
How to Serve Chinchillas Goji Berries?
Preparation and serving are crucial when serving your pet chinchilla goji berries, especially for the first. Here’s the process you should follow to serve goji berries to your chin.

The preparation steps include;
- Removing the stems and leaves
- Removing the seeds
- Cutting or crushing the berries into small pieces
Serve your pet goji berries in small amounts. Chinchillas may try to avoid goji berries for the first time. You can mix them chinchilla food bowl when you observe them avoiding these fruits.
Health Benefits of Goji Berries to Chinchillas?
Goji berries are nutritious fruits, making them an ideal option over most other fruit types. The fruits have antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory compounds. These compounds can help protect the chinchilla from diseases and relieve pain.
The high carbohydrate content is a good source of energy for the pet. This energy is needed to fuel its brain, kidney, heart, and muscles as it moves around. The proteins in the fruit help build strong bones and muscles and repair tissues.
Some of the benefits of feeding Goji berries to Chinchillas include:

High in Carbohydrates and Fiber
Chinchillas need 35% of carbohydrates and 25 to 35% fiber in their daily diet. Goji berries are high in carbohydrates and fiber, which gives a big portion of the required carbs and fiber for chins.
The high carbohydrate content is a good source of energy for the pet. This energy is needed to fuel its brain, kidneys, heart, and muscles as it moves around.
So, providing Goji berries as an occasional treat helps to fill the chins’ daily nutritional needs.
Maintaining a Healthy Heart
Goji berries help lower total cholesterol in the body and also help increase the good HDL cholesterol. Through this, they help your chinchilla maintain a healthy heart condition and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Boosting the Immune System
Vitamins A and C in the berries help boost the pets’ immune systems. The healthy antioxidants in the fruit also allow them to fight harmful free radicals and inflammation.
Health Risks of Chinchilla Overfeeding Goji Berries?
The potential risks of feeding chinchilla goji berries are not due to the toxicity of the fruit, but the pet’s diet preferences. Chinchillas live in a cool and dry climate in the Andes mountain. There, their diet consists of grasses, leaves, and twigs.

Their digestive systems are used to dry diets and when served with foods with high water levels, they can develop digestion problems. Chinchillas’ bodies are evolved, so they retain the water they consume and don’t require high-water foods. The high-water content may also increase the water in their bodies, resulting in a loose stool.
As mentioned earlier, Chinchillas should skip some days within which they consume these berries. Too many berries can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and indigestion. Avoid feeding the pet these fruits when they are under medications without consulting a vet.
Can Chinchillas Eat Dried Goji Berries?
Chinchillas can eat dried goji berries, which are more nutritious and lower in water content. Dried goji berries are also easy to give to pets by hiding them in their play items or chewing wood.

Dehydrated goji berries can also be used in training, like training them to twirl or climb. Since the sugar content of fresh and dried goji berries is almost the same, you must give it to your chin in small quantities.
Dried or Fresh Goji Berries: Which Is Better for Chinchillas?
Chinchillas can eat both dried and fresh goji berries. However, dried chinchillas are often much better since they suit the dry diet that they require. It is also low in water and high in essential nutrients.
Nevertheless, offer the pet both types and observe which one they like better and stick to that..
Other Fruits That Are Safe for Chinchillas to Eat
Most people owning these pets often wonder, what fruits can chinchillas eat? Following are several fruits chinchilla can enjoy eating.

- Strawberries: Strawberries are high in vitamin C and various oxidants that help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in your pet.
- Apples: apples are a great fiber source and can also help prevent heart disease in your furry friend.
- Pears: Pears can help improve your chinchilla’s digestion and fight inflammation.
- Blueberries: like Goji berries, they are packed with antioxidants that can help prevent your pet from heart disease.
- Grapes: Grapes can help your pet by improving its eye health and memory.
- Raisins: Raisins contain soluble fibers that can aid pet Chinchillas with digestion.
- Sultanas: The antioxidants in the Sultanas can help the pet cells fight free radicals.
Importance of Feeding These Fruits Only as Dried Fruits
Most pet experts encourage feeding these pets dried fruits to avoid health problems. As mentioned earlier, chinchillas prefer dry foods as increasing water in their system can cause a loose stool.
The nutrient content of most fruits also increases when they are dried, increasing their benefits to the pet. For instance, a dried apple has almost four times the vitamins and minerals of fresh fruit.
Can Chinchillas Eat Goji Berry Leaves or Stems?
While the pets can safely eat goji berries, their leaves and stems are unsafe to eat. They contain alkaloids and other compounds that can harm their health, especially when ingested in large quantities.
Stems and leaves are also fibrous and can cause digestive problems to the chinchillas.
Can Chinchillas Eat Goji Berry Seeds?
Though chinchillas can safely eat goji berry seeds, it’s often advised to remove them before serving them. The seeds are small and hard and may cause digestive problems.
Can Chinchillas Eat Juniper Berries?
It’s not certainly clear whether the Chinchillas can eat juniper berries without causing health problems. According to Chinchilla-scientia, the juniper berries are toxic.
However, other sources show that birds and rodents can feed on these berries. For instance, Little One, a berry mix snack, has various berries, including juniper berries.
These berries are a good source of vitamin C, which is beneficial to the pet’s digestion. Like other fruits, provide the Juniper berries only when dry to keep the chinchilla pet healthy.
Almost Done
Goji berries can make a healthy treat for your pet chinchilla if provided moderately. Goji Berries should be dehydrated so keep it in air tight packet You should serve the pet at most twice a week and skip some days to allow it to feed on other healthy treats. Overfeeding the treats can result in various health issues, including indigestion and loose stool.
The pet can also feed on other types of fruits, chinchilla can eat apples, pears, and blueberries. These fruits have lots of nutrients and minerals needed for healthy living. Serve pet chinchillas only dried fruits cause they are healthier and have low water content.