Can Chinchillas Eat Peanuts? Is It Safe For Chinchillas!
As a responsible chinchilla owner, you must understand the chinchilla diet to ensure they get the proper nutrition. Even though people like to snack on peanuts all the time, it is uncertain whether chinchillas should eat them as part of their diet or not.
No, chinchillas should not eat peanuts as they’re high in fat. Chinchillas require a diet that’s low in fat and high in fiber and primarily consists of hay. If you feed peanuts to your chinchilla, they may suffer from digestive issues, dental problems, obesity, and pancreatitis.
In this article, I will discuss whether chinchillas can eat peanuts and their dietary requirements. Whether chinchillas can eat peanut shells, raw peanuts, and almonds. So, Hop in!
Can Chinchillas Have Peanuts?
No. Chinchillas are technically capable of eating peanuts, but you should not feed peanuts to your pet chinchilla because they have too much fat and protein. Peanuts have a fat concentration of 44% to 56%, which is difficult for chinchillas to break down. Therefore, you should not feed peanuts to your chinnie.

Chinchillas are rabbit-sized crepuscular rodents native to the Andes Mountains in South America. If you are the owner of a chinchilla, it is best to provide them with a balanced diet, including:
- Timothy grass
- Oat hay
- Meadow hay
- Green vegetables ( in moderation)
- Fresh herbs
- Pure water
- Chinchilla pellets
Nutritional Value of Peanuts
Check out the table below to learn more about the nutritional value of peanuts per 100 grams.
Nutrient | Amount (per 100g) |
Calories | 567 kcal |
Protein | 25.8 g |
Carbohydrates | 16.1 g |
Dietary Fiber | 8.5 g |
Fat | 49.2 g |
Phosphorus | 376 mg |
Calcium | 92 mg |
Even veterinarians advise against feeding chinchillas peanuts with high fat and protein levels because it can make them sick. Research from the National Library of Medicine shows that peanuts are often contaminated with mycotoxins like aflatoxins, which can be extremely harmful to pets.
Chinchillas are particularly sensitive to mycotoxins, as mentioned in the Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. Acute aflatoxicosis can be fatal for many chinchillas. Moreover, peanuts are also known to be a common allergen for many animals.
The research paper “Peanut Allergy: An Overview” suggests that 8 different foods, including peanuts, cause 90% of food allergies. Thus, if your chinchilla has food sensitivities, feeding them peanuts can lead to allergic reactions.
Can Chinchillas Eat Peanut Shells?
No. It is not recommended to feed peanut shells to your pet chinchilla. Dr. Dean Edell warns that harmful fungicides and pesticides are sprayed on peanuts during cultivation to remove fungi and pests that could harm the crops.

The National Peanut Board notes that peanut shells contain the following:
- 60 percent crude fiber
- 25 percent cellulose
- 8 percent water
- 6 percent crude protein
- 2 percent ash
- 1 percent fat.
So, other than dietary fiber, peanut shells have low nutritional value for chinchillas.
Is Peanut Butter Bad For Chinchillas?
Yes, peanut butter is bad for chinchillas.

- This is because it contains unsaturated fats, sugars, preservatives, and oils that are difficult for them to digest.
- Chinchillas have a sensitive digestive system and mostly eat roots, dried leaves, fruit, berries, bark, alfalfa, grasses, shrubs, and cacti.
- If you want to keep chinchillas healthy, you should provide them with a balanced diet containing 66% natural fiber, as stated in the Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine.
- It is important to avoid giving them low-fiber and high-fat diets since they can cause gastrointestinal stasis, dental issues, calcium deficiency, and liver problems.
- Furthermore, chinchillas are small animals, so they have low energy requirements.
Thus, I avoid giving my chinchilla high-calorie foods such as peanut butter because it can lead to weight gain and diabetes.
Can Chinchillas Eat Nuts Regularly?
No. As a chinchilla owner, you must avoid making nuts a part of your pet’s everyday diet. Keep in mind that nuts are filled with protein and contain high-fat levels that are potentially harmful to them. Thus, you should give your pet nuts only once a week.

Additionally, ensure that your pet’s treats don’t make up more than 5% of their diet. Below, we have listed some nuts that you can offer your pet chinchilla, but only in limited quantities:
- Almonds (unsalted)
- Hazelnuts (unsalted)
- Brazil nuts (unsalted)
- Pine nuts (unsalted)
- Pecans (unsalted)
Health Risks Of Overfeeding Peanuts To Chinchillas?
You must keep in mind that giving your pet peanuts in large quantities can put them at health risk. Peanuts are not a natural part of their diet, and feeding them to chinchillas can lead to the following health issues:
Digestive Problems
As a pet owner, you should know that the chinchilla’s digestive system is delicate, and fatty foods like peanuts can influence their gut health. This can result in several digestive problems, such as diarrhea, bloating, nausea, and stomach discomfort.
Generally, peanuts have high-fat content, which can increase the likelihood of pancreatitis in chinchillas. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas in chinchillas that can be caused by the high-fat content found in peanuts.
Symptoms of pancreatitis include the following:
- Jaundice
- Stomach ache
- Vomiting
- Rapid heart rate
- Fever
- Swelling in the upper belly
It is important to monitor the quantity of peanuts you feed your pet due to their high fat, protein, and calorie content. Giving too many peanuts to your chinchilla can lead to weight gain. This can negatively impact their joints and overall health.
Liver Damage
Your chinchilla’s health may be negatively affected by the high levels of fat found in peanuts. Excessing fats can make it harder for the liver to eliminate the waste, leading to organ failure.
Symptoms of liver damage include the following:
- Abdominal pain
- Abdominal swelling
- Dark urine color
- Pale stool color
- Decreased movement
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
Dental Problems
If you feed your chinchilla a lot of peanuts, it may not be enough to keep their teeth at a suitable length because chinchilla’s teeth grow constantly. As a result, there can be dental problems such as overgrown teeth, dental malocclusion, or bleeding gums.
Symptoms of dental issues include the following:
- Weight loss
- Drooling
- Reduced food intake
- Lack of interest in chew toys
- Pawing at the mouth
- Watery eyes
- Swelling in gums
Healthy Diet for Chinchilla Instead Of Peanuts
There are numerous food items that you can feed your chinchilla instead of peanuts. Below, we have compiled a table listing some common food items that chinchillas can safely eat.

Food Items | How Often | Serving Size | How to Prepare | Nutritional Benefits |
Timothy Hay | Daily | Unlimited | You should provide fresh, good-quality hay | Rich in natural fiber |
Chinchilla Pellets | Daily | 1-2 tablespoons | Purchase high-quality pellets | It provides complete nutrition |
Leafy Greens | 2 times per week | 1-2 tablespoons | Wash them properly and remove any seeds | They are rich in vitamins and minerals |
Herbs | 1-2 times per week | 1 teaspoon | Wash them thoroughly | Provides vitamins and variety in their regular diet |
Apples | Occasionally | Small slice | Remove the seeds and core | Contains dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium |
Dandelion Leaves | Occasionally | 2 leaves | Offer pesticide-free leaves | Contains essential vitamins and minerals |
Carrots | Occasionally | One thin slice | Wash, peel, and slice thinly | Excellent source of potassium, antioxidants, and vitamin A |
Rosemary | Occasionally | A small sprig | Use fresh rosemary | Contains antioxidants and may have anti-inflammatory properties |
Organic rolled oats | 1-2 times per week | 1 teaspoon | You should ensure they are plain, without added sugars or salts | Provides fiber and small amounts of protein |
Rose Hips | 1-2 times per week | 1-2 pieces | Remove the seeds | It is a good source of vitamin C and B5 |
Pears | Occasionally | Small slice | You should remove the seeds and the core | It is a good source of fiber, potassium and vitamin C |
The Bottom Line
In conclusion, the question “Can chinchillas eat peanuts?” doesn’t have a straightforward answer. Even though chinchillas are technically capable of eating peanuts, doing so is not advised due to their high-fat content and potential for gastrointestinal problems.
So, as a responsible pet owner, you should always put your chinchillas’ health and well-being first by feeding them a balanced diet. You should speak with a veterinarian if you still intend to feed peanuts to your pet chinchilla.