Can Gerbils Eat Cat Food? What You Need to Know!
Gerbils enjoy a variety of foods, including seeds, nuts, insects, fruits, and vegetables. This is because they are omnivores. But can gerbils eat cat food considering felines are carnivores?
Yes, gerbils can eat cat food, but not every day. This is because while cat food is not toxic, it lacks the proper balance of nutrients that a gerbil requires. For instance, it contains higher protein and fat content than what gerbils need. The food also lacks significant amounts of carbohydrates.
So then, what foods can gerbils eat? Below, you will find answers to all the questions you might have about gerbils eating your feline’s food.
Can Gerbils Eat Cat Food?
Yes, they can, but not as part of their regular diet. This is because the diet requirements for gerbils are totally different from that of cats. The reason being cats are obligate or true carnivores while gerbils are omnivores.

This means a cat’s diet consists mainly of animal-based protein and very little plant-based matter. Meanwhile, gerbils mostly eat plant matter since they are omnivores and small insects but in small quantities.
Besides that, there are other reasons why gerbils cannot eat cat food. These include:
- Too much protein
Cats need 35% to 45% protein content in their diet. Because of this, their food contains higher amounts of protein in the form of meat. On the other hand, gerbils only require around 16% protein in their diet. So, if your gerbil consumes cat food, it may suffer from:
- Diarrhea
- Weight gain
- Increased risk of heart disease
- Upset stomach
- High caloric and fat content
A high-quality feline food comprises around 20-40% fat of total daily calorie intake. And on average, a cup of cat food may contain 300 calories, which is relatively high. However, gerbils need a diet that is low in fat and calories. This is because they are at a higher risk of developing obesity.
- Low amounts of carbs
Felines have little to no nutritional need for carbohydrates. Therefore, their foods are low in carbohydrates. On the other hand, Gerbils need food rich in carbs because of their high energy requirements. So, as a result of eating cat food, your rodent could suffer from:
- Nutrient deficiencies
- Weakness and loss of energy
- Bloating
- Low-blood sugar
- Constipation
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Do Gerbils Like Cat Food?
Most gerbils don’t like cat food. Instead, they enjoy eating pumpkin seeds, millet, dried bananas, nuts, and a mix of seeds. They also love crispy vegetables like carrots, raw broccoli, lettuce, cucumber, and cabbage. In addition, most gerbils will enjoy eating fruits like melon, pears, and apples over cat food.

However, this is not to say that gerbils are not open to eating cat food. You may even be surprised to realize that your gerbil is among the few that like feline food.
Risks of Gerbils Eating Cat Food Regularly
Your rodent is unlikely to suffer any adverse side effects from consuming cat food once or twice. However, if it eats the food regularly, it may experience:

- Kidney damage
Because of consuming too much protein present in cat food, your gerbil may suffer from kidney damage.
- Digestive problems
Gerbils are very susceptible to upset stomachs. Therefore, eating the protein-dense diet of felines can lead to digestive issues like upset tummy and diarrhea.
- Poor nutrition
Since cat food is not correctly balanced for gerbils, your rodent may suffer from a nutrient deficiency in the long term. For example, your gerbil may not get enough carbohydrates and dietary fiber from cat food.
- Obesity
Cat food is very rich in fats. So, your gerbil may become overweight from eating this food, putting it at a higher risk of heart disease.
Can Gerbils Eat Dry Cat Food?
No. Dry feline food comprises 8 to 10% moisture. It is formulated through extrusion cooking under high pressure and heat. As such, some vitamins and other essential nutrients tend to be destroyed. This makes it not a healthy addition to your gerbil’s diet.
Even so, you can let your pet gerbils nibble on just a few pieces and occasionally. In other words, you should not purposely feed your gerbils dry cat food, especially the young ones.
What Food Can Gerbils Eat?
Gerbils require a healthy and balanced diet containing protein, dietary fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins, and mineral-rich foods. Some of the foods your rodent can eat are:
- Seed mixes and pellets
The primary diet of gerbils is seeds and pellets. This is because they contain different vital nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. You can buy all these from a pet store.
- Fruits and vegetables

Your gerbil can also eat various fresh fruits and vegetables to supplement their dry food. For example, they can eat small quantities of fruits like apples, mangos watermelons, pears, and oranges. Regarding vegetables, gerbils can eat carrots, broccoli, cucumber, lettuce, and pumpkin.
- Small insects
Gerbils need protein in their diet but not in high quantities. Therefore, you should feed them small insects like mealworms, waxworms, and crickets.
- Nuts and seeds
These rodents can eat nuts such as pistachios, peanuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, almonds, and macadamia nuts. They can also eat sunflower and pumpkin seeds. The seeds and nuts are excellent sources of protein for gerbils.
- Herbs
Besides fruits and vegetables, gerbils can snack on fresh herbs like coriander, parsley, oregano, and basil.
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In this section, we will respond to commonly asked questions regarding gerbils eating cat food.
Can I feed cat food to my gerbil?
Yes, but on rare occasions. This is because your cat and gerbil have different nutritional needs. You should feed your pet gerbil a diet rich in protein and low in fat, along with a mix of seeds. Fruits and vegetables are also healthy for budgies, but they should eat in moderation.
Is cat food poisonous for my gerbil?
No. However, the food can be harmful if your pet gerbil eats it in excess amounts or daily. This is because cat food contains too much protein and fat content that gerbils don’t need. So, your gerbil could have an upset stomach, diarrhea, and kidney damage from overeating cat food.
Wrapping Up
While gerbils can eat cat food, it is not their healthiest option. This is because cat food contains varying quantities of nutrients than what you will find in any gerbil food. Therefore, your rodent may suffer from nutrient deficiency, digestive problems, or obesity from eating the food. Instead, your gerbils should eat food specifically formulated for them.
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