Can Gerbils Eat Mango? Health Benefits And The Parts To Avoid
Mango is an edible, nutritionally rich tropical fruit native to India and Asia. Mango is an exceptional source of potassium and magnesium. Which lowers blood pressure by keeping the heart rhythm steady. With this and other health benefits, as a gerbil pet owner, you can’t help but wonder, can a gerbil eat mango?
So, can gerbils eat mango? Yes, gerbils can eat mangos and get health benefits from this fruit. It is sweet and juicy, and gerbils can eat it either fresh or dried. However, gerbils should only eat a few small pieces due to the high sugar content in the fruit. As a pet parent, it’s always heartwarming to learn that you can share your favorite fruit with your pet. Keep reading to learn about several nutritional benefits of mangos and what to avoid.
Can Gerbils Eat Mango?
Gerbils can eat a variety of fruits, including mangos. The flavor and sweetness in this fruit is the first thing that attracts pet gerbils to eat it. Mangos are available in both fresh and dried versions, these pets can comfortably eat. Potassium and magnesium are some of the minerals your pet can get from this fruit.
Essentially, 45.9 grams of average mango fruit is sugar, and almost 91 percent of the fruit is carbohydrates. These high levels pose a threat if this fruit is ingested in large quantities and regularly. Your pet is at risk of obesity or becoming diabetic if it takes too many mangos. Give your pet two or three small pieces of mango fruit each week to avoid these potential health risks.

Mango fruits are nutritionally rewarding when they are ripe and in season. Their peak months are mainly in the hot months around June and July, but they are harvested year-round in some regions. Confirm with your grocery store owner when the fresh stock is available for the perfect quality. Avoid unripe mangos; they can cause irritation and indigestion in your pet, dimming the main objective of serving them.
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Do Gerbils Like Mangos?
Like many pets, any sweet treat that contains sugar is to their liking. Your gerbil pet can eat a well-ripe mango without any discomfort. As with most cases involving sugary treats, you might find yourself being the one limiting these foods in fear of potential illnesses. However, as much as they like these treats, give them occasionally so they can feed on other healthier diets.

How Many Mangos Should Gerbils Eat?
It’s best to serve your pet two or three small pieces of mango fruit per week. Mangos should only be provided as treats rather than the main diet. The potential health problems of overfeeding these fruits include obesity, which can lead to further health issues like ischemic brain injuries. The fruit is high in acids and sugar, one of the reasons it should be served sparingly.

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Health Benefits of Feeding Mangos to Gerbils
As the juiciness in mangos satisfies the pet’s food needs, the nutrients in fruit cover the health requirements. Just one mango is enough to give a person three times the daily recommended vitamins A and C. In the table below are some of the health benefits your gerbil pet gains from this fruit.
Nutrient | Health benefits |
Vitamin C | Vitamin C works as an antioxidant, a compound in foods that probes and neutralizes free radicals. Your pet gets these free radicals from several sources, including solar radiation and other digested foods. Vitamin C is also valuable in the formation of a protein called collagen that gives structure to bones. |
Carbohydrates | Carbohydrates in mango fruit are in the form of sugar, starch, and dietary fibers. They are absorbed slowly, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, which counters the high sugar content in the fruit. |
Beta-carotene | Beta-carotene converts to vitamin A and aids in eye health and the development of a strong immune system. If your pet gerbil is frequently ailing, beta-carotene in this tropical fruit will boost its health and repair its tissues. |
Vitamin K | Your pet requires vitamin K, which aids in blood clots and prevents anemia, a low red blood cell in the body. |
Magnesium and potassium | Both magnesium and potassium regulate and lower blood pressure. |
Risk Of Over Feeding Mango To Gerbil
Like many fruits, mangoes should be served sparingly to avoid various health risks. The high sugar content has the potential to raise your pet’s blood pressure, which can cause a heart attack and stroke. Mango fruit also has a fair number of calories, which, if fed in excess, can make your pet gain weight and become obese.
This summer, fruit can also cause several digestion problems for your pet. This is because of the high fiber, which, when in excess, can cause diarrhea. Calcium carbide is widely used to artificially ripen most mangoes, which can give your pet ulcers, among other health issues.

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How To Prepare Mango for a Gerbil?
There are several ways to prepare this juicy fruit for your pet to enjoy. Some prefer to serve the fruit as a smoothie, while others prepare it in slices. No matter the method you favor, begin by washing the fruit before slicing it.
Mango fruit skin has urushiol, a sap that causes an itchy rash that can irritate you while you prepare it. You can wear gloves while preparing the fruit to avoid this and other allergies. Avoid mango core and seeds, they are unhealthy for your pet gerbil and should be removed. Also, prepare fresh and ripe fruit, failure to which the fruit won’t be nutritionally rewarding as expected.

To prepare in slices:
- Wash the fruit.
- Peel its skin.
- Slice the mango into small pieces avoiding the core.
- Place two or three pieces in the pet’s feeding bowl.
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Video Of Gerbil Eating Mango
Since not all food humans eat is safe for pets, pet parents tend to be doubtful about foods. The questions are more about the safety and nutritional benefits of these treats to pets. Below are frequently asked questions and answers that might clear some of your doubts.
Is Dried Mango Good for Gerbils?
Gerbils can comfortably eat mango fruits both when fresh and dried. The dried mango is sweeter than the fresh ones and provides the crunchiness these pets crave. However, these added sugar levels pose a health issue, and the pet should be served only two chips. Check the fruit and remove any seeds or pits available because they can get stuck in your pet’s teeth and hurt it.
Wrapping Up
Gerbils can benefit from this juicy and tasty tropical fruit. This answers the question, can gerbils eat mango, which many, especially new gerbil owners, frequently ask? The fruit is rich with nutrients that can benefit gerbils in their growth and healthy living.
However, gerbils can only be served mangos sparingly and occasionally. This is because of the fruit’s high sugar content, which can affect your pet’s health and also damage their teeth. In general, mangos are great treats for these pets as they are sweet and have a lot of nutritional advantages.
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