Can Gerbils Eat Millet? Why Millet Is For Gerbils!
Millets are small-grain cereals grown worldwide for sale, human consumption, and animal foods. Finger millets are the most recommended type of grain for a gerbil diet. They are nutritionally rewarding, having key nutrients that your pets need.
So, can gerbils eat millet? Yes, gerbils can eat millet. These cereals are crunchy, and sweet, with many healthy nutrients for your pet gerbil. Millets are a great source of fiber and have a high protein content compared to other grain types. Yet, too much of this diet can cause goiter.
Millet is one of the oldest gluten-free plants your pet can enjoy when added to its diet. Continue reading to learn why this diet is important to your pet.
Can Pet Gerbils Eat Millet?
Millets are sometimes considered the most nutritious of all cereals. As a gerbil owner, you should consider adding these healthy cereals to improve your pet’s health. Maybe you’re wondering- do gerbils like millet? Remember, gerbils like crunchy foods they can hold and gnaw on, and millet fits in this category.

There are several types of millets grown worldwide, including;
- Pearl millet – Pearl millet Is the most grown of all types and is predominantly used as summer foliage in the United States. Their grains are brownish and gray, providing several nutrients, including iron, fiber, and proteins.
- Finger millet – Finger millets are grown in finger-like stems, hence the name, also called spray millet. It is the most common millet for pet birds, which pets eat from its natural stem. It also has the highest phenolic content and antioxidants.
- Foxtail millet – Foxtail millet is yellowish in color and best known to improve the immunity of your pet.
- Sorghum millet – This type of millet has a white grain. This type has policosanol, which can aid in lowering cholesterol levels especially if your pet is overweight.
- Little millet – Little millet is high in vitamin B and minerals like calcium, potassium, and iron.
- Buckwheat millet – This millet type has a bright-brown color and, when added to your pet’s diet, can aid with its cardiovascular health.
- Proso millet – Proso millet, also called red millet, comes in several varieties, including white, yellow, and red. They are a great source of vitamin B for your pet.
For gerbils to grow and stay healthy, they need other diets like vegetables and animal proteins. Mixing or alternating this dish is crucial to diversify their diet and providing other crucial nutrients. Millet should also be provided sparingly and infrequently because too much of it can lead to goiter.
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Is Millet Good for Gerbils?
Millet is good for gerbils, the main reason being its variety of health benefits. Millet has a lot of nutrients and minerals like potassium and magnesium, all of which all aid in your pet’s well-being. The only problem with this diet is if it’s contaminated or overfed, which can result in various health problems.

Why Should Gerbils Eat Millet?
The main reasons gerbils should eat millet are mainly due to its nutritional benefits. Millet dates back over 4000 years in Asia, a time when it became a major grain in Europe. Since then, millet has continued to provide nutritional benefits to humans and animals who love consuming it.
To pets like gerbils and other rodents, there are a variety of nutritional advantages to this diet. Millets have insoluble dietary fibers that reduce the possibility of colon cancer by aiding the digestive system. This means your pet’s bowel movements are improved, while the soluble dietary fibers aid in reducing cholesterol levels.
Millet has potassium, a mineral that aids in kidney and cardiovascular health and reduces the chances of heart disease. Including millet in your pet’s diet can also improve its liver and kidney functions from the catechins in millet.

Finger millet has the highest calcium content of all cereals, and your pet can benefit from this nutrient. For gerbil pets, especially growing ones, this calcium content can improve their bone health and make them stronger.
Among other benefits of feeding millet to Gerbils is the protection against free radicals by antioxidants. This protection helps prevent your pet from various chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes. The magnesium content, on the other hand, improves the insulin sensitivity of your pet’s cells, in turn reducing various risks of diseases.
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How to Feed Millet to Gerbils?
You need to learn how to prepare millet for gerbils to avoid risking their health. Thankfully, feeding gerbils with millet is easy because this is a grain. Unlike fruits and veggies, you can mix millet with various servings or serve it alone.
Whether you mix millet or serve it alone, avoid serving it regularly. Apart from the health issues we talked about, too much millet could trigger addiction. You don’t want a situation whereby your gerbil only wants millet.

If anything, millet does not form its mainstay diet but should be an occasional snack. For your gerbil to live happily, it needs various grains, fruits, veggies, and insects. Balancing all these foods will keep your gerbils healthy and happy.
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Health Risks Of a Millet Diet on Gerbils
Unfortunately, a millet diet doesn’t only do good for your pet’s health. It is also likely to have an adverse effect on your little friend. These grim moments are likely if you disregard the necessary safety measures while dealing with this diet.
If the millet you’re serving your pet is from your harvest, you should ensure the storage is satisfactory. Failure to observe proper storage measures may attract aflatoxins, which are toxic to your pet gerbil. Poor storage and handling are the crucial issues mostly surrounding millet poisoning.
Preventing aflatoxins requires you to take strict post-harvest measures. After harvesting your millet, ensure you dry it completely. Proper handling and transportation are the other things to observe carefully. Be very careful about how you control post-harvest bugs.
In the spirit of evading danger, you might wonder, how often can gerbils eat millet spray? This diet can be served after every two days alongside other healthy foods. Overfeeding your pet with this diet can lead to goiter due to the presence of goitrogen substances in it.
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To gauge the safety of their pet’s food, pet owners raise various questions from their concerns. It is only humane for a worried pet parent to ensure their pets feed on safe foods to be concerned. Below are frequently asked questions and answers regarding this topic.
Do Gerbils Eat Raw Millet?

In the wild, gerbil pets burrow for raw seeds and grains and eat them. They like their foods crunchy and dislike most home-cooked foods. Gerbils can eat raw millets, which at this state are most nutritionally rewarding to these pets.
Can Gerbils Feed on Millet Spray?

Yes, you can feed your gerbils on millet spray. Millet sprays are an occasional nutritious treat for gerbils, but you shouldn’t feed them daily. If you have a large portion of millet spray, store it in a cold, dry place. It’s a safe way of ensuring it doesn’t go stale.
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Wrapping Up
In pursuit of healthier foods for your pets, you might consider millet as an optional diet. This leads to the question; can gerbils eat millet? And if so, you are interested to know the reasons. Not only does this concern the health benefit to your pet but also possible drawbacks.
Gerbils can eat millet and benefit from the many nutritional rewards they offer. These cereals have a high dietary fiber that aids in the healthy growth of your pet. For a comfortable life with your pet, it’s always worth reading these articles for quality decisions on the pet’s diet.
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