Can You Pick Up a Chinchilla by Its Tail? Caution Ahead!
Chinchillas are very gregarious creatures that congregate in large groups in the wild. They are also very active, running and jumping around their territory. While holding them, chinchillas must be handled carefully because of their delicate bones and fur. Their tails are even more delicate and fragile.
So, can you pick up a chinchilla by its tail? Yes, but extreme caution is required. The skin on a chinchilla’s tail can easily tear, leaving your chinchilla vulnerable to infection. Even if you are not careful, the fur on a chinchilla’s tail can be pulled out, causing your chinchilla unnecessary discomfort.
Are you an owner of a sweet little chinchilla and wondering about picking up your chinchilla by its tail? Don’t worry; I will tell you everything you need to know about this delicate issue!
Can You Pick Up A Chinchilla By Its Tail?
The short answer is yes, but you shouldn’t do it. Even if you do, you need to be very careful. Chinchillas have delicate bones, and their tail is no exception. If you improperly grab the chinchilla by its tail, you can easily break its bones.

Additionally, the chinchilla’s fur is very dense; if you pull on it, the fur can come out in clumps. If you must pick up a chinchilla by its tail, do it gently and support the rest of its body with your other hand.
Hurting the chinchilla’s tail is easy if you don’t handle it carefully. If your chinchilla’s tail is hurt, you must take it to the vet immediately.
On top of that, chinchillas are curious, lively animals who like adventuring into new areas. However, their tails are especially prone to harm because of the fragility of their bones.
If you are handling your chinchilla, be sure to support its entire body, avoiding sudden movements that could cause its tail to hurt. Injuries to the tail may be excruciating and even dangerous if not correctly handled.
What Happens If You Pull A Chinchillas Tail?
Picking up a chinchilla by its tail can have consequences for both the chinchilla and the person doing the picking.

- First, the chinchilla can suffer from pain and injury. The tail is a susceptible area for chinchillas and can easily be hurt if pulled or grabbed too hard.
- Additionally, picking up a chinchilla by its tail can cause it to urinate or defecate on itself, leading to more health problems.
- Moreover, It can be stressful for the chinchilla, leading to behavioral issues.
- It can cause their spine to become misaligned, which can lead to all sorts of health problems down the road.
- Finally, picking up a chinchilla by its tail also puts you at risk of getting bitten.
So, these consequences can be avoided by simply not picking up a chinchilla by its tail.
How To Pick Up A Chinchilla By Its Tail?
If you need to pick up your chinchilla for any reason by its tail, here’s a step-by-step guide on the proper way to pick up a chinchilla by its tail.

- Start by gently grasping the base of the chinchilla’s tail with your fingers.
- Slowly and carefully lift the chinchilla off the ground by its tail.
- Support the chinchilla’s body with your other hand as you lift it.
- Once the chinchilla is safely in your hands, you can transport it wherever necessary.
- Just be sure not to hold onto the chinchilla’s tail for too long, as this can cause pain and discomfort.
How Should You Properly Pick Up Chinchillas?
Chinchillas are delicate creatures and must be handled with care. Here are some tips on how to correctly pick up your chinchilla.

- Gently scoop your chinchilla up under its arms and support its back end with your other hand.
- Do not hold your chinchilla too tightly, or it may struggle to breathe. If you need to carry your chinchilla for any distance, place it in a soft, secure carrier.
- Never pick up a chinchilla by the tail unless you are an expert, as this can injure the animal.
- Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling your chinchilla, as they can carry harmful bacteria for humans.
Things to Keep in Mind While Handling a Chinchilla
There are a few things to keep in mind when handling a chinchilla.
- Ensure your hands are clean and free of oils or perfumes.
- Approach the chinchilla from the front so it can see you coming.
- Cup your hands around the chinchilla’s body, careful not to squeeze too tightly.
- Support the chinchilla’s back end with your other hand.
- Let the chinchilla down gently onto a soft surface.
- Do not hold a chinchilla for more than a few minutes.
- Always supervise children when they are around chinchillas.
- Be aware that chinchillas can jump up to five feet in the air, so hold them close to your body.
Related Questions
Well, I am almost finished with my blog. So, finally, I am extending my good luck gesture with this FAQ section. I hope this will answer some questions about picking up a chinchilla by its tail.
Do chinchillas like to be picked up?
This is a question that many chinchilla owners find themselves asking. While some chinchillas may enjoy being picked up and cuddled, others may not. Therefore, getting to know your chinchilla and what they like is essential before picking them up.
How do you pick up a scared chinchilla?
Research suggests chinchillas show different behavioral responses to different handling approaches. So you need to carefully pick up a chinchilla that looks scared. First, it’s essential to approach the chinchilla slowly and calmly. If you move too quickly, you’ll only scare the chinchilla more. Once you’re close enough, you’ll want to scoop the chinchilla up and hold it close to your body. This will help the chinchilla feel safe and secure.
Do chinchillas’ tails fall off if you pull them?
Chinchillas’ tails do not fall off if you pull them, but they can be injured if you are not careful enough. Therefore, when you are handling a chinchilla, be sure to hold its tail gently.
Wrapping Up
You have seen chinchillas should not be picked up by their tails. This can cause them a great deal of pain and distress. If you must pick up your chinchilla by its tail, gently support its body with your other hand. Remember, chinchillas are delicate creatures and require extra care while handling.
I hope this blog has helped you to learn how to hold and pick up your chinchillas correctly. And now you don’t have to ask around. If you follow the tips in this blog, you can handle your chinchillas easily and prevent them from getting hurt. Thanks for reading!